Lazaro Nnko, a professional consultant at Elinka Agr Company since 2020 and Technical Advisor on Donor Finding at the Frankfurt Zoological Society. As a seasoned professional in the realms of forestry and beekeeping, he has a unique blend of expertise that spans the delicate balance between sustainable forest management and the intricate world of apiculture. His career has been dedicated to fostering a harmonious relationship between the environment and human activities, with a commitment to conservation and biodiversity.

With a strong foundation in forestry, his journey began with a deep appreciation for the intricate ecosystems that forests represent. Armed with a degree in forestry and a Master of Science in Natural resources for sustainable agriculture, he has honed his skills in sustainable forestry practices, silviculture, and ecological restoration. Over nine years, he has successfully managed forests, ensuring responsible timber harvesting, preventing deforestation, and implementing strategies for the preservation of native flora and fauna. In addition to his proficiency in forestry, he is an accomplished beekeeping expert with a passion for the invaluable role that bees play in our ecosystems and agricultural landscapes.

As an advocate for pollinator conservation, he has implemented and managed beekeeping operations in Lake zone regions in Tanzania named Itilima, Meatu, Bariadi, and Busega districts that not only produce high-quality honey but also contribute to the crucial pollination services essential for crop production. His expertise in beekeeping extends to the careful management of hive health, disease prevention, and the promotion of sustainable beekeeping practices. He is well-versed in the intricacies of hive behavior, breeding programs, and the importance of maintaining diverse forage for bees. By integrating beekeeping with forestry initiatives, he strives to create landscapes that benefit both the environment and local communities.